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Super Sunday
Sunday morning wasn't as calm and quiet as usual but that was because I wanted to get some of the food prep done before leaving for church. We were a little late getting to church not arriving until 9:40 am. Tim Funk has the first message about the conscience God put in each of us. Click HERE to watch that. He also announced his retirement which is the same day as Craig's ordination. Diane mentioned that she is giving lunch on that day. Berlica brought Chelise over to visit with great grandma during lunch.
Mike Kaisner had the afternoon message on Acts 26. Click HERE if you would like to watch that. We didn't stay long after the service was over. I still had a lot of food to cook. As soon as we walked in the door the oven was turned on and the food put in trays for cooking.
I also made some blueberry dessert pizzas and a cinnamon roll casserole. By the time we made it over to the barn a lot of the guests had arrived. Even mom wanted to come to this superbowl party, which was more about a super evening together than watching football. We had to set up a 3rd food table. Below mom is supervising Diane while she applies icing to the cinnamon roll casserole.
The little girls decided to pay a trick on great grandma and asked her if she wanted to see the sleeping baby in the bathroom. Below is the surprise.
They were all pretty pleased with her reaction.
Rebekah brought cheese she made from her abundance of milk from her Jersey cow.
Of course we all needed to try that. David had the prayer at 4:30 pm and the party officially started.
Ruth and Fedi arrived so Ruth claimed Mica pretty quickly.
After the meal some of us settled down to play board games while others settled down to watch the Eagles play the Chiefs. Mom wanted to watch the game.
Rhoda organized games in the gym for the younger crowd.
Below is a video of some of the gym games.
We were still visiting when Joan happened to look at her watch and found it was almost 10:30 pm. I left then as that is WAY past my bedtime.